A lamp that kills viruses and bacteria for the classes of the Comprehensive Institute 1 in Poggibonsi. The solution, Saniled by the Florentine company T-Luce, is based on photocatalysis with titanium dioxide. The air is sucked in, sanitized, and then released back into the classroom. This is done around the clock even while the students are in the classroom, even with the lights off.
Free experimentation in a middle school classroom. The sanitizer is located inside a ceiling light that replaces the traditional neon lights. One of these special lamps was installed on an experimental basis in class 3B of the Marmocchi middle school. But others may soon be purchased. As explained by the manager of the Comprensivo, Manuela Becattelli, “the lamp we have installed completes the detection system we have in some classrooms with which we monitor the temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide. We were contacted by T-Luce as they had the next step, the one that disinfects the air. They offered it to us for free and after the test, if there are results, we will install others.
Article Source: https://www.gonews.it/2022/03/24/lampada-scuola-poggibonsi-batteri/
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